Starting form as little as R914
The New formation (Company Registration) of a company is the creation of a brand-new company with no prior history and is registered directly into the names of the directors provided by you. Let us assist with your hassle-free company registrations today.
Some of the most popular companies to register is a standard private company which will be a proprietary limited (Pty) Ltd) company. This will only require a minimum of one director. For other company types such as a non-profit company, a minimum of three (3) directors is required.
When creating a new company (Company Registration) it is referred to as a “new formation” and the following steps will be taken:
- Name reservation – You will be required to register a valid name for your company. If you need us to do this for you, we can certainly assist. Turnaround time is 1-2 working days after submission.
- New Formation (Company Registration) – Once the name reservation has been approved, we then attend to the company registration process on your behalf. Turnaround time is 1-2 working days.
Timeframes above for Company Registrations is ALWAYS dependent on CIPC.